Match To Date In Three Days (only connecting with high quality women and NOT losing hours to get there)

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How would you like to have every single one of your matches not only reply to your first message,

But reply with eagerness in a way that puts you in control of the conversation effortlessly and lead to your first date within three days?

By using my four line template for every first message you can achieve this,

I’ve had a positive response from 100% of my matches, and these are strong, intelligent, attractive women, often ten years younger than me,

Not only this, I’ve had girls ask me to message them again later:

Others to let me know in advance they’re jumping the shower and will message me back in ten minutes, such is their keenness:

And this is not due to my profile,

How do I know?

Because I’ve trialed both approaches,

First approach:

❌ Thinking of something witty to say

❌ Trying to compliment

❌ Trying to find common ground

And getting nowhere,

And most importantly - wasting precious time,

Friend, successful men, men on a mission, can’t afford to be spending hours thinking up things to say to women on an app, only to be frustrated when they don’t reply,

Look, it’s not that they’re not replying because they don’t like you, they matched with you didn’t they?

They’re only not replying because you’re getting lost in a sea of sameness and lost in their busy lives,

This is why you must trigger their interest immediately and psychologically,

And here’s some breaking news….


Stop putting it onto them,

It only feels like they’re playing hard to get because they WANT you to approach them in the right way,

If you know how to connect with them they will be completely open immediately,

So much so they may even surprise themselves at first,

They will also compliment you on making this so easy for them:

Nor do you have to compromise who you are to use this approach,

In fact, the very opposite is true, you are inviting a woman into your world using your structure,

At this point, you may well decide the girl isn’t for you and decide to connect,

Or you may decide to take it through to a meet,

Either way, the ball is in your court.

In my guide - “Match To Date in Three Days”, not only will you get the template, but you will also get a comprehensive breakdown of how to use template, the psychology behind it, and how to follow up,

Without this, you could easily get knocked off,

Take the message below for example:

A lot of you would have folded early at that stage,

But there’s a reason I had to stay on the path and couldn’t get distracted by an easy compliment,

Why do I care about helping you do this?

Why not just work this myself?


Call me old fashioned, but I happen to believe it’s good for society when people form lasting relationships,

I also know for a fact that good guys who have so much to offer are losing out in the alogirithms and bias towards guys sat on a private jet in a £5k suit,

But that is not me, I’m just a boy from the Shires who eats in Wetherspoons and wears hoodies and trainers (i just happen to have learnt some useful skills)

I also know that women are crying out to connect with good strong men and get off these god-forshaken apps,

Basically, no one’s happy, so I’m sharing the psychological I’ve discovered to go from ghosting to 100% excited replies and turn this miserable situation around,

This is NOT about an ego trip either.  This is connecting with the right women and filtering out the wrong women,

This does not work for ego trips because it’s about making genuine connections.

Plus, if the screen shots aren’t enough to convince you to start using this template and get from first message to date in three days, then I’ll make this guarantee with you to get you off the starting blocks,

Try this template, and if you’re not happy with it contact me direct and I’ll arrange an immediate refund,

I know it will work for you if you work it, but I’ll take on all the risk if it doesn’t, so they only thing for you is to get cracking and start connecting with high quality women on your own terms,

This guide is realised on 28th of April but you can get in now on the pre-sale price,

Once it’s released this guide will be selling for a LOT more,

There are a lot people who will pay good money get from match to date in three days with high quality women without losing hours in the process,

Join me and lets get you matched with a high quality woman!

P.s Apply what i tell you and if you don’t get a date with a high quality woman and you don’t think it’s working then contact me and I will refund your guide. I’m that confident this works!

Testimonial from the first guide:


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Match To Date In Three Days (only connecting with high quality women and NOT losing hours to get there)

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